

    2019-04-20 10:20:44           浏览数:0



















  1. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目子任务,201503107,有机化学品污染农田和农产品质量安全综合防治技术方案,2015/01-2019/12136万元,在研,主持
  2. 山东省自然基金,ZR2017MC068,瘤胃内分解多环芳烃的细菌筛选、鉴定与代谢研究,2017/08-2020/0616万元,在研,参加
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41476098,营养水平对海湾中多溴联苯醚环境归趋的影响及其机制,2015/01-2018/1281万元,已结题,主持
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,21407087,基于分子结构与生物信息的化学性肝损伤混合模型研究,2015/01-2017/1224万元,已结题,参加


  1. Qiqi Cheng, Wei Ge, Chao Chai*, Juan Wu, Dong Ma, Lusheng Zeng, Xiangwei Zhu, Qinghua Chen, Jingsuo Li. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil around Coal-fired Power Plants in Shandong, China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2019, 28 (1), 1-12  (通讯作者,SCI)
  2. 牟亚南, 王金叶, 张艳, 葛蔚, 王继芳, 柴超*. 莱州湾东部海域多溴联苯醚的污染特征及生态风险评价. 环境化学, 2019, 38(1): 131-141  (通讯作者)
  3. Wei Ge, Yanan Mou, Chao Chai*, Yan Zhang, Jinye Wang, Ting Ju, Tao Jiang, Bin Xia. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the dissolved and suspended phases of seawater from Sanggou Bay, east China. Chemosphere, 2018, 203: 253–262 (通讯作者,SCI)
  4. Juan Wu, Kankan Li, Dong Ma, Na Yu, Chao Chai*. Contamination, source identification, and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils around a typical coking plant in Shandong, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2018, 24(1): 225–241 (通讯作者,SCI)
  5. Jin Guo, Chao Chai*, Wei Ge, Lusheng Zeng, Juan Wu, Dan Xiang, Xiaomei Zhang. Accumulation and Health Risk Assessment of PAHs in Radish. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018, 27(6): 2529–2539  (通讯作者,SCI)
  6. 郭瑾, 葛蔚, 柴超*, 张小梅, 马东, 李敬锁. 化学工业区周边土壤中多环芳烃含量、来源及健康风险评估.环境化学, 2018, 37(2) : 296–309  (通讯作者)
  7. 程琪琪, 葛蔚, 李敬锁, 柴超*, 曾路生, 吴娟. 辣椒中多环芳烃的累积特征及健康风险评估. 环境化学, 2018, 37(2) : 229–238  (通讯作者)
  8. Chao Chai*, Qiqi Cheng, Juan Wu, Lusheng Zeng, Qinghua Chen, Xiangwei Zhu, Dong Ma, Wei Ge. Contamination, source identification, and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soils of vegetable greenhouses in Shandong, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 142: 181–188 (第一作者, SCI)
  9. Longhua Wang, Wei Ge, Chao Chai*, Bin Xia, Tao Jiang. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in marine sediments of Sanggou Bay in east China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 115: 459–464  (通讯作者,SCI)
  10. Tianjin Ma, Juan Wu, Yidong Mi, Qinghua Chen, Dong Ma*, Chao Chai*. Novel Z-Scheme g-C3N4/C@Bi2MoO6 composite with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity for b-naphthol degradation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 183: 54–65 (通讯作者, SCI)
  11. 葛蔚, 程琪琪, 柴超*, 曾路生, 吴娟, 陈清华, 朱祥伟, 马东. 山东省农田土壤多环芳烃的污染特征及源解析. 环境科学, 2017, 38(4) : 1587–1596  (通讯作者)
  12. 鞠婷, 葛蔚, 柴超*. 胶州湾沉积物中多溴联苯醚的污染特征及风险评价. 环境化学, 2017, 36(4): 839–848  (通讯作者)
  13. 葛蔚, 程琪琪, 柴超*, 吴娟, 曾路生, 马东, 张小梅, 李敬锁. 青岛市城郊蔬菜中多环芳烃污染特征和健康风险评估.环境科学学报,2017, 37(12) : 4772–4778  (通讯作者)
  14. Ting Ju, Wei Ge, Tao Jiang, Chao Chai*. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dissolved and suspended phases of seawater and in surface sediment from Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 557–558: 571–578  (通讯作者,SCI)
  15. Chao Chai, Tao Jiang*, Jingyi Cen, Wei Ge, Songhui Lu*. Phytoplankton pigments and functional community structure in relation to environmental factors in the Pearl River Estuary. Oceanologia, 2016, 58: 201–211 (第一作者, SCI)
  16. Jiang Tao, Chai Chao*, Wang Jifang, Zhang Ling, Cen Jingyi, Lu Songhui*. Temporal and Spatial Variations of Abundance of Phycocyaninand Phycoerythrin-Rich Synechococcus in Pearl River Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Area. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016, 15 (5): 897–904  (通讯作者,SCI)
  17. 王继芳, 葛蔚,程洪珍, 柴超*. 土壤酸碱性和有机质含量对邻苯二甲酸酯纵向迁移的影响. 全球十大正规网赌网址学报(自然科学版), 2016, 33(4): 275–281  (通讯作者)
  18. 程琪琪, 郭瑾, 柴超, 葛蔚*. 菠菜对柴油污染土壤中多环芳烃富集特征及健康风险评估. 生态与农村环境学报, 2018, 34(12): 1145-1152
  19. 李看看, 吴娟*, 马东, 柴超, 曾路生. 表面活性剂对土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs) 纵向迁移的影响. 环境化学,201837(7) : 1545-1553
  20. Dong Ma, Juan Wu, Mengchun Gao, Yanjun Xin, Chao Chai. Enhanced debromination and degradation of 2,4-dibromophenol by an Z-scheme Bi2MoO6/CNTs/g-C3N4 visible light photocatalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 316: 461–470
  21. Kankan Li, Dong Ma, Juan Wu*, Chao Chai, Yanxi Shi. Distribution of phthalate esters in agricultural soil with plastic film mulching in Shandong Peninsula, East China. Chemosphere, 2016, 164: 314321





